Class ArtifactDefinition

  • public class ArtifactDefinition
    extends Object
    Item / Artifact update definition
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArtifactDefinition

        public ArtifactDefinition()
    • Method Detail

      • getJarFile

        public File getJarFile()
        The name of the JAR File to update.
        The name of the JAR File to update or null if not set.
      • setJarFile

        public void setJarFile​(File jarFile)
        Set the name of the JAR File to update.
        jarFile - The name of the JAR File to update, or null to unset.
      • getArtifact

        public String getArtifact()
        Get the name of the artifact to update.
        The name of the artifact to update.
      • setArtifact

        public void setArtifact​(String artifact)
        Set the name of the artifact to update. This name should be in apache buildr format. (groupId:artifactId:version).

        This method does not verify artifact

        artifact - The name of the artifact to update.
      • getManifestFile

        public File getManifestFile()
        Get the manifest file that will be used as the source to update the manifest in the JAR/artifact.
        The manifest file.
      • setManifestFile

        public void setManifestFile​(File manifestFile)
        Set the manifest file that will be used as the source to update the manifest.
        manifestFile - The file.
      • getMode

        public String getMode()
        Get the update mode.
        The update mode.
      • setMode

        public void setMode​(String mode)
        Set the update mode.
        mode - The update mode, or null to reset to default.
      • isValidState

        public boolean isValidState()
        Does this artifact have enough information to proceed.

        This method does not check to see if items set are accessibly/readable/valid, just that values have been set.

        TRYE if all required values have been set.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object